HIBC Mission Project

Greetings to all readers!

Praise God for your interest in the work of the Lord and His Kingdom expansion. On this page, you will find the amazing work that the Lord is doing in and through HIBC. God started a small work that grew bigger than what we expected. May God stir your heart in His mission work!

- Pastor Rudy & Anne Yap

Mission Updates
The Humble Beginning

In 2016, in celebration of Christmas, the Lord led HIBC to bless kids in poor countries by giving through the Samaritan's Purse. We filled up shoe boxes with gifts for children to demonstrate God's love to children in need around the world. When 2019 came, the Lord guided us to go in another direction: instead of the shoe boxes, we collected money and sent them to Pastors and missionaries in the Philippines who are in need. 

In 2020, during the pandemic, the Lord connected us to PICMI (Pag-asa Indigenous Community Ministries Inc). We sent financial help to indigdenous pastors of Bataan and Zambales who were severely affected by the pandemic. In that same year, the name of our mission project Bless Philippines was born. 

The Mission Refined

In the early months of 2021, Pastor Rudy and his wife, Anne, were invited to speak at the Pastors and Wives Fellowship at Dampay, Zambales, Philippines. It was then that Pastor Rudy realized the pressing need of pastors and missionaries working in the mountains for encouragement and financial support. They work in remote areas with very little financial support and often in isolation. 

The burden led us to make this our mission: to support pastors and missionaries not only financially but also spiritually, to encourage them to continue with their work despite the hardships. We made plans to gather the pastors for a one-day conference for this purpose. 

Along with the Pastor's Conference, we also planned to have a Teacher's Training for young people who have a burden to teach children but do not have the opportunity to be trained. The aim is to equip them to share and teach the Bible to kids, most especially outside the church, on the streets and remote areas of the province. 

The Progress
Teacher's Training in Bataan

In December of 2022, our plans were all accomplished with God's blessings! We had Teacher's Training in Bataan and Zambales, which was attended by 90 young people. 

Pastors' Conference in Iba, Zambales

The conference in Iba, Zambales was attended by 40 indigenous pastors and church planters. They were treated to a day of encouragement listening to God's Word, fellowship with fellow workers and were sent home with financial gifts. 

The Challenge

This year 2023, we aim to have three Pastors' Conferences and Teachers' Trainings in Bataan, Manila and Cagayan de Oro. We know that the cost will be three times bigger but this is the vision God gave to us. 

We hope that you will consider praying for us and partnering with us by giving to our Bless Philippines project. Your generous gift will surely go a long way in encouraging and blessing those who labour in His vineyard. May God bless you richly. 

Giving Instructions

Select or enter your desired amount and make sure to select "Bless Philippines" beside the "To:" dropdown menu. To partner with us for monthly donations, select "Recurring Giving" and set your desired frequency.

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